Program Texts
James Weldon Johnson - Poet
J. Rosamund Johnson - Composer
The Awakening
I dreamt that I was a rose,
that grew beside a lonely way,
far from a path none ever chose,
and there I lingered day by day.
Beneath the sunshine and shower,
I grew and waited there, apart.
Gathering perfume hour by hour,
And storing it within my heart.
Yet never knew, just why I waited there and grew.
I dreamt that you were a bee,
That one day gaily flew along,
You came across the hedge to me,
And sang a soft love burdened song.
You brushed my petals with a kiss,
I woke in gladness with a start.
Yielding up to you in bliss,
The treasured frangrance in my heart
And then I knew, why I waited there for you!
Since You went Away!
Seems lak to me the stars don’ shine so bright,
Seems lak to me the sun don’ loss his light,
Seems lak to me de days jes twice as long,
Seems lak to me de birds forgot his song.
Since you went away.
Seems lak to me I jes can’ hep but sigh.
Seems lak to me a tear stays in my eye.
Seems lak to me I don know what to do.
Seems lak to me dat everything wants you.
Since you went away.
Morning, Noon and Night
When Morning shows her first faint flush,
I think of the tender blush,
That crept so softly to your cheek,
When first my love I dared to speak,
How in your glance, a cheering ray,
Gave promise of Love’s perfect day!
When in the ardent breath of Noon
The roses with passion swoon,
Then steals upon me from the air,
The scent that lurked within your hair.
I touch your hand, I clasp your form.
Again your lips are close and warm.
When in the Night with beauteous skys.
I think of your tear dimmed eyes.
Their mute entreaty, that I stay,
Although your lips sent me away.
Then mem’ry brings its bitter blight.
And dark, so dark becomes the night!
Shine on my Evening Star!
One night in June I had a dream about my Lady Love!
Just as moon with silv’ry beams was shining.
My Lady Love, my heart’s desire I thought she was a star.
For up above, she shone so bright, that every other star looked dim.
As I looked from my window and saw her lovely light.
I sang as I beheld her, the beautiful Queen of Night!
Shine on my evening star, way up yonder in the sky.
Look down and let me see, the twinkle of your twinkling eye.
I know I’ll never climb way up there to where you are.
But please don’t be nobody else’s evening star.
All the night long I watched the glow of my good evening star.
Singing my song so sweet and low and tender.
All of the trees bowed down an paid their greatest homage to her
And every breeze that through them strayed they all took up the soft refrain.
I wished as I beheld held her, I watched her fading gleam,
That every night would bring me that same entrancing dream.
Shine on my evening star, etc.
Great Works of African American Literature
James Weldon Johnson
The Arts Songs of H. T. Burleigh
I. Her Eyes Twin pools of Mystic Light
Her Eyes twin pools of mystic light,
Soft star sheen melting into night,
O’er which to sound their glamorous haze,
A man might bend and vainly gaze.
Her Eyes twin pools, so dark and deep
In which life’s ancient mysteries sleep.
Where’in to seek the quested goal,
A man might plunge and loose his soul.
Her eyes, her eyes!
II. Your Lips are wine
Your lips are wine, O hearts desire,
Give me the flame of their passion giving fire.
The world melts away in the glow of your kiss
And just you and me alone in silent bliss!
Your lips again, give them to mine,
One more full draft of their nectar’d anodyne.
In the fold of your arms lull me softly,
Until their comes the wondrous calm.
The calm of love so deep and still.
III. Your Eyes so deep and tender are
Your eyes so deep and tender are
Soft with the glamour of a star.
Bright with the gentle light that lies,
‘Neath placid streams and sunny skys.
Your eyes so tender are.
And yet those melting, smiling eyes,
From out their depths so sweet.
Have lanced a cruel, piercing dart.
And now my wounded, bleeding heart.
Lies captive at your feet.
Your lips are like a sweet, red rose,
That in some scented garden grows.
A dewey rose so sweet and red,
That blooms amidst a lily bed.
Your lips are like a rose.
And yet those velvet petal’d lips
A honey’d poison brew,
That through my veins has run like fire,
And filled my soul with love’s desire
And left mad for you!
For you!
IV. The Glory of the Day
The glory of the day was in her face.
The beauty of the night was in her eyes.
And over all her loveliness, the grace of morning blushing,
Blushing in the early skies!
And in her voice the calling of the dove,
Like music of a sweet melodious part.
And her the breaking light love,
And all the gentle virtues in her heart.
And now the glorious day, the beauteous night.
The birds that signal to their mates at dawn.
To my dull ears to my tear blind sight.
Are one with all the dead, since she has gone.
Sence you went away!
Seems lak to me the stars don’ shine so bright.
Seems lak to me the sun don’ loss his light.
Seems lak to me there’s nothing going right
Sence you went away
Seems lak to me the sky ain’ haf so blue.
Seems lak to me that everything wants you.
Seems lak to me I don’ know what to do.
Sence you went away.
O everything is wrong.
The days jes twice as long.
De birds forgot his song.
Sence you went away.
Seems lak to me I jes can’ help but sigh.
Seems lak to me my throat keeps getting dry.
Seems lak to me a tear stays in my eye.
Sence you went away.
The Glory of the Day
The glory of the day was in her face.
The beauty of the night was in her eyes.
And over all her loveliness the grace.
Of morning blushing in the early skys.
And in her voice, the calling of the dove.
Like music of a sweet, melodious part.
And in her voice the breaking light of love,
And all the gentle virtues in her heart.
And now the glorious day, the beauteous night.
The birds that signal to their mates at dawn.
To my dull ears, to my tear-blind sight.
Are one with all the dead since she is gone.
Since she is gone.
Song to the Dark Virgin
Would that I were a jewel,
A shattered jewel.
That all my shining brillants,
Might fall at thy feet,
Thou Dark one.
Would that I were garment,
A shimmering silken garment,
That all my folds might wrap about they body.
Absorb thy body. Hide and hold thy body.
Thou Dark one.
Would that I were a flame.
But one sharp, gleaming flame.
To annihilate thy body.
O Dark one!
Paul Laurence Dunbar - Poet
H. Leslie Adams -Composer
Love Response
When Phyllis sighs and from her eyes,
The light dies out, my soul replies.
With misery of deep drawn breath,
Even as it were at war with death.
When Phyllis smiles her glance beguiles,
My heart through lovelit woodland aisles.
And through the silence high and clear,
A wooing, warbling song I hear.
But when she frown despair come down,
I put me on my sackcloth gown.
So frown not, Phyllis lest I die.
But look on me, with smile or sigh!
Love Memory
Thou art the soul of a summer’s day,
Thou art the breath of the rose.
But the summer is fled, and rose is dead.
Where are they gone, who knows?
Who knows?
Thou art the blood of my heart o’ hearts.
Thou are my soul’s repose.
But my heart grows numb, and soul is dumb.
Where are thou gone, who know?
Who knows?
Thou art the hope of my after years.
Sun for my winter snows.
But the years go by
‘Neath a clouded sky.
Where shall we meet, who knows?
Who knows?
Langston Hughes - Poet
Margaret Bonds - Composer
Musicologist (Florence Price & Margaret Bonds scholar), Michael Cooper Smith recently commented on Bonds remarkable ability to write in both "classical" and "popular" styles. He noted that she specifically credited her most influential teacher, William Marion Cook. “Even now, when I write something for a choir and it’s jazzy and bluesy and spiritual and Tchaikovsky all rolled up into one, I laugh to myself, ‘That is Will Marion Cook.’ No wonder [Nadia] Boulanger didn’t quite understand what my music is all about.”
Margaret Bonds, “A Reminiscence,” in The Negro in Music and Art, ed. Lindsay Patterson (New York: International Library of Negro Life and History, 1967), 192.
The way we Dance in Chicago
Have you heard about that music: Chicago Style.
The Kind of music that drives you wild.
Have you heard about the way we dance about?
Well, let me tell you what its all about.
First you swing your gal, like a her-cat, Jack.
Then you jitterbug her lightly, then you throw her back.
You get real loose, while your movin’
Swing most any way, long’s your groovin.
You take it slow, while she gets way down.
Your feeling acrobatic, then you throw her ‘round.
You separate and do a solo.
That’s the way we dance in Chicago.
Jump back and boogie!
Aw boogie-woogie!
Track a little!
Truck a little!
Now if anyone here is still in doubt.
As to what this jitterbug-gin's all about.
I’ll expostulate all that I know.
‘Bout the way dance in Chicago.
If you but knew how I’m feeling
You would return right away.
My lonely heart is appealing
Yearning for you everyday (and saying)
Georgia, it’s you I’m all for.
My love it calls for a girl like you.
Georgia, all day lonely.
It’s for you only that I’m so blue!
Never knew that peaches grew
As fair and sweet as you
Life would be so heavenly
If you felt like do (please try to)
Georgia, the stars above you
Know that I love you
No one but you!
H. Leslie Adams - Poet & Composer
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace you fill my heart with song.
A song of love that last the whole day long.
Amazing Grace surround me with the strength of your caress,
Renew my trust that I’m forever blest.
Amazing Truth speak to me with your voice!
Uniting all within that says rejoice
Amazing Truth, unfold the joy that only you can bring,
The joy that comes when I begin to sing.
Abiding Hope, Abiding Faith,
Abiding Strength that comes to me.
Abiding Life, Abiding Love,
Abiding Song of Eternity
Amazing Grace surround me with the strength of your caress,
renew my trust that I’m forever blest.
Amazing Truth speak to me with voice
Uniting all within that says rejoice!
Amazing Truth unfold the joy that only you can bring,
The joy that comes when I begin to sing.
Amazing Grace you fill my heart with song,
A song of Love that last the whole day long.
A song of Peace the frees my heart and lifts high above.
Amazing Grace you fill me with your love!